Westmoreland Volunteer Corps '08-'09

Westmoreland Volunteer Corps '08-'09
Deanna, Jen, Noah, Charlotte, Rachel

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Charlotte joins the church choir (and random musings)

So I thought that this post would be about me joining the choir but it was boring. I need to clarify that statement, joining the choir wasn’t boring, in fact it was a lot of fun. Unfortunately when I tried to write about joining the choir my attempt was deadly boring. So I’ll make it short and sweet. I’m in the choir. We practice on Thursday nights and Sunday morning. The director and the rest of the choir were very welcoming, talented and wonderful.

So instead of going in depth into my adventures in signing soprano, I’ll say that I had an exhausting but promising first week of work. I am still in the middle of a training/orientation at Samaritan Ministry. I have a good concept of what my job will be (case worker!) I have an office, business cards(!) and a lot more to learn. I sat in with a volunteer case worker on Friday feel like a learned quite a bit.
I will have much more to say about my job later this week, after I sit in with all the lead case workers at all three of our offices.

Most of this weekend was spent hiding inside our house from torrential downpours of rain. And sleeping. Today I had frozen yogurt and a great chat with a fellow University of Puget Sound grad. It was great to feel connected to my college when I am in fact so far away.

Another item of note is that my lack of a sense of direction is legendary. I can get lost in Walla Walla. I don’t know where the public library was growing up. I can get lost on the way home from the dentist. The idea of me loose in a big city is a little scary to me and I’m sure to some of you. So this directionally challenged girl has been conquering her fear of the metro busses. I think I’ve found the ideal route to work. And I only got a little lost finding my office from the bus on the first day. Hopefully a more focused response to my new life in DC is on the way in the near future.


The MoM said...

Typos can sure add interest to a blog. The concept of "signing" soprano left me with a big grin!

Alyson said...

I love that you get lost in walla...and that you admit to it ;-)